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We the People Support the Ban on WeChat and TikTok

Created on August 09, 2020

WeChat and TikTok, by China’s Constitution, like all Chinese corporate entities large and small, are unconditionally subject to the supreme leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. They are menacing long claws reaching deep into the Chinese American communities to infiltrate, disinform, brainwash, intimate and sabotage. Furthermore, WeChat Pay has been used increasingly extensively in the U.S. to bypass the US$ payment and SWIFT funds transfer systems destabilizing the U.S. economically. TikTok’s AI-based spy algorithms are, in addition to backdooring users’ private data to its servers in China, designed to cocoon individual users with both tailor prescreened information and secret messaging. The principles behind these apps are fundamentally against the interests of the America people.

Foreign Policy
Homeland Security & Defense
Technology & Innovation

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