We the people ask the federal government to Call on Congress to act on an issue:

Make Yu HOI KWAN and her immediate family members ineligible for U.S. Entry, Citizenship and Visas

Created on October 15, 2019

The U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act states that any foreign government officials and their immediate family members, who have severely violated human rights, are inadmissible for entry into the United States.
Much evidence has made it clear that members of the Hong Kong Police Force have been involved in crimes of large scale torture, rape, and even murder while policing the protests of Hong Kong. Senior Superintendents of Police of the Police Public Relations Branch, Ms. Yu Hoi Kwan is guilty of defending police brutality as well as wilfully lying about what the Hong Kong Police has done on press conferences, essentially assisting acts of a heinous terrorist group. We urge Congress to declare that Ms. Yu and her immediate family members be ineligible for US entry and visa.

Civil Rights & Equality
Foreign Policy

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